Bonnie and Clyde hits the right musical notes!
“Dyin’ ain’t so bad
Not if you both go together
Only when one’s left behind
Does it get sad…”
Lyric from “Dyin’ Ain’t So Bad”

In 2011 New York, of course, was a one critic town and Ben Brantley of the New York Times said of Bonnie Parker’s characterisation of wanna be Clara Bow that, “I don’t think ingénue was what Bonnie Parker was about.” Brantley’s kiss of death was, “Clyde, honey, t’ain’t nothing you can do to raise the pulse of something that’s as near to dead as the show you’re in.”
The problem might also have been that Frank Wildhorn’s previous musical scores had disappointed as well as that Americans were uncomfortable warming to the murdering Barrow gang. However, this killing wasn’t a problem in 1967 with the Hollywood film starring Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway and Gene Hackman.
Bonnie and Clyde the Musical had its world premiere in 2009 in San Diego and the Broadway production previewed from 4th November 2011, to open on 1st December. On 16th December the producers announced it would close on 30th December.
So is London going to be different. Yes, I can confidently say it is.
I liked Wildhorn’s range of music, jazzy, blues, rich ballads, rock and pop and Don Black’s romantic lyrics. Ivan Menchell’s book does a good job emphasising the lack of opportunities in Depression hit America and showing the region’s dependence on fundamental religion.

Stars Frances Magli McCann and Jordan Luke Gage are the eponymous waitress and poverty struck, unemployed, young man who idolised Billy the Kid. They died aged 23 and 25. They were born in Texas and died in Louisiana after two years of a crime spree of armed robberies of mostly small stores and gas stations. They had killed nine policemen and four civilians but died in a hail of 100 bullets in each other’s arms in their Ford V8.
Clyde says to his father about his hard life as a poor sharecropper farmer, “What was good enough for you Pa, will not satisfy your wayward son. Jesse James had much more fun building dreams with just a gun. That’s how the West was won.”
Bonnie sings about her desire to be famous like Clara Bow in “Picture Show”. She also writes poetry. The upbeat “This World Will Remember Me!” is an early show stopper sung by Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie’s solo “How ‘Bout a Dance” is a soft romantic ballad sung sweetly. Clyde and Buck rhythmically express the thrill of driving their 60mph Ford V8 in “When I Drive”.
There is light relief from Natalie McQueen as Blanche, Clyde Barrow’s sister in law. Bible bashing Blanche persuades her husband Buck Barrow (George Maguire) to hand himself in in return for a lighter sentence “You’re Going Back to Jail”. Her put downs of Bonnie and Clyde are hysterically funny, as are her invocations of God. An early scene in her hairdressing shack has Buck wrapped in towels hiding under a hairdryer from the police. Getting Buck baptised, the gospel singing turns into full rock ‘n’ roll in “God’s Arms Are Always Open.”
Policeman Ted Hinton (Cleve Hinton) is obsessed with Bonnie in the longing of “You Can Do Better Than Him” but she aches for excitement which isn’t Ted, but Clyde Barrow.

I liked the set which has side sets of agricultural stuff and a cash till area but the back projections of forests and woods are really attractive and key to place. A bullet riddled screen surrounded by prison bars drops for scene changes. The costumes too are perfect for the era. We never see prison suits but the civilian suits have wide, wide trousers and flashy jackets and of course the fedoras are full of style. Bonnie wears the elegant 30s knitted stripes she was often photographed in.
The weakness is the choreography which is rather staid and unimaginative but the Arts Theatre is a smaller stage and there is plenty of shooting action.
“You Love Who You Love” has the two women singing together and is a stand out number. Bonne and Clyde should do a lot better in London than Broadway with its two acting and singing stars, catchy music and strongly sung duets.

Musical Numbers
Act One
Picture Show
This World Will Remember Me
You’re Goin’ Back to Jail
How ‘Bout a Dance?
Here in Our Hearts
When I Drive
God’s Arms Are Always Open
You Can Do Better Than Him
You Love Who You Love
Raise a Little Hell
This World Will Remember Us
Act Two
Made in America
Too Late to Turn Back Now
That’s What You Call a Dream
What Was Good Enough For You
Raise a Little Hell (reprise)
Dyin’ Ain’t So Bad
God’s Arms Are Always Open (reprise)
You Can Do Better Than Him (reprise)
Dyin’ Ain’t So Bad (reprise)
Production Notes
Bonnie and Clyde
Book by Ivan Menchell
Music by Frank Wildhorn
Lyrics by Don Black
Frances Mayli McCann
Jordan Luke Gage
George Maguire
Natalie McQueen
Cleve September
Ako Mitchell
Pippa Winslow
Grace Lai
Alistair So
Alexander Evans
Ross Davies
Barney Wilkinson
Lauren Jones
Charlie McCullagh
Annie Guy
Aiya Agustin
Finn Barwell
George Menezes Cutts
Jersey Blu Georgia
Louis Gray
Lineo NCube
Bes Ward
Isaac Lancel Watkinson
Director: Nick Winston
Musical Supervisor: Katy Richardson
Set and Costume Designer: Philip Whitcomb
Lighting Designer: Zoe Spurr
Sound Designer: Tom Marshall
Video Designer: Nina Dunn
Choreographer: Megan Louch
Musical Director: Nick Barstow
Running Time: Two hours 20 minutes with an interval
Booking until 10th July 2022
Arts Theatre
6-7 Great Newport Street
London, WC2B 7JH
Phone: 020 7836 8463
Tube: Leicester Square
Reviewed by Lizzie Loveridge at the
Arts Theatre
on 19th April 2022