Moving Ambition

“Drown me in butter and call me a hot crumpet”

Betsey Britterly

Bebe Cave (Photo:  Ori Jones)
Bebe Cave (Photo: Ori Jones)

This is a one woman show staring Bebe Cave who has been performing at the Fringe since 2012. This is her first solo show. When it starts, we don’t know exactly what’s going on she seems to be involved in a serious drama, however an offstage voice interrupts her to say “Thank you Betsey we will be in touch.” the typical put down for yet another failed screen test. We are pre second world war where it is no holds barred to stardom. Step 1 Get noticed; Step 2 Get a 7-year contract; Step 3 Become a major star; Step 4 Enjoy

Bebe uses the device of various screen tests well but as the narrative unfolds, we never quite know if she is acting or just telling her story. She is entertaining and draws the audience in to her life, loves and dreams of becoming a major starlet.

Divine intervention helps along the way when she is cast as Peasant Whore Three, a non-speaking role, and her competitor, Peasant Whore Two has lines, but not many to say in the film.  An anvil drops out of the sky killing Whore Two instantly and Peasant Whore Three inherits her lines.

To progress her career and increase her public profile she becomes engaged to an 87-year-old diamond merchant.  Her attitude is, “I don’t care what you say, it is true love”. Sounds somewhat familiar!  Unfortunately, he dies before the nuptials.

So, using the rumored way of career development, she resorts to the casting couch solution which pays off as she is signed by MGM on a 7-year contract. However, Step 3 never happens and she is not renewed. She is reduced to doing Ovaltine commercials to keep in the public eye.

This is a good comedy by a skilled actress.  She drops in and out of various characters as is needed. Bebe herself has significant talents in dancing, crying and acting with the minimum of props and carries the story well. She puts considerable effort into her performance. I won’t tell you the ending but she is dancing, with a prop to Singing in the Rain

I can recommend both the show and her and wish her well. Definitely try and see it before you leave Edinburgh.  We can give The Screen Test four fringe festival stars from Theatrevibe, the site that doesn’t do stars.

Bebe Cave (Photo:  Ori Jones)
Bebe Cave (Photo: Ori Jones)

Production Notes

The Screen Test

Written and Performed by Bebe Cave



Bebe Cave


Running Time: 60 minutes

Booking to 25th August 2024 at 3.10pm


Pleasance Courtyard 


60 Pleasance

Edinburgh EH8 9TJ

0131 556 6550


Reviewed by Malcolm Beckett

at The Pleasance Courtyard

on 16th August 2024