Mesmerising Mime on Melancholy

I normally avoid expressive mime acts as I have to admit I sometimes find them hard to follow. However, this performance by Sasha Krohn, a performance artist, is exceptional.
The stage is mostly bare with a bed, chair and a full-length mirror on a stand, later lowered from the ceiling are two straps.
As I saw it (see my note below) there is a man asleep on the bed. He wakes up and tries to stand; his legs wont work. He tries to stand, does exercises, but they still fail. Eventually, exhausted, looks in the mirror, he can stand. He has forgotten how to dress himself and becomes entangled and frustrated in his clothes. When recovered he goes for a walk, walking on the spot, seeking help but nobody cares. He gets into arguments but little changes. He becomes a clown trying to make sense of what he is, but fails.
I could continue with the story which develops in many directions but I urge you to see it for yourself. Sasha Krohn has extraordinary skills particularly when hoisted up on the straps. Having just finished watching the Olympics he, to me was as good as any I saw.
Note: On reading the production notes I find the following explanation:
Symbolically based on real events, a visual depiction mental illness deteriorating. Inspired by Sasha’s partner, it uses dance, mime and ariel acrobatics capturing 24 hours in a psychiatric patient’s melancholic struggle for reality.
My observation is it is probably true but don’t let that stop you attending it is quite mesmerising.
Sacha Krohn’s outstanding show is awarded five fringe festival stars from Theatrevibe, the site that doesn’t do stars

Production Notes
The Weight of Shadows
Written and Performed by Sasha Krohn
Sasha Krohn
Inspired by Ciana Fitzgerald
Booking to 26th August 2024 12.15pm
Assembly Checkpoint
3 Bristo Place
Telephone: 0131 623 3000
Reviewed by Malcolm Beckett
at the Assembly Checkpoint
on 17th August 2024