What Do We Know About Yorick?

“What is a clown without a crown?”


George Rennie as Yorick

One of the standouts of the Fringe is the variety of the entertainment you are likely to experience; performances you might not see anywhere else.

Hamstrung is unusual and cleverly entertaining.  For those who can remember the plot of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, a key line comes from Hamlet himself holding a skull in the graveyard scene.  “Alas poor Yorick I knew him well”

Imagine if Yorick was not dead how the story would evolve, or if he were dead, his grief at being a powerless ghost. This is the basis of George Rennie’s one hour comedy.

You enter the venue and in front are a number of pieces of parchment like paper with writing scattered on the floor.  To the rear are a series of vases with flowers in them, as if they have come from a cemetery, with candles burning.  In front, apples are lying around with no apparent reason. In the middle is a propped-up piece of paper asking an audience member to read it out as if at a seance.  “Who’s there?”   George Rennie appears dressed as a clown. He is a nervous clown not knowing why he is here.

George Rennie as Yorick

We are in the last few scenes of Hamlet; the players are preparing for the show for the King and Queen.  Soon the body count will rise. George is well into the part and his dialogue is as if by written by Shakespeare himself. He tries to divert the audience by juggling apples and have volunteers read passages from his plays which are scattered all over the floor. The story reverts to the scene in Hamlet of Horatio on the Elsinore castle walls at night and all the time Yorick is lost, a sad, lonely, powerless and lost clown.

There is much skill in his performance from Rennie the writer and performer, directed by Lisa Millar. Yorick is a jester without the audience he craves and he wants to escape but is hamstrung to his death as a ghost. It certainly is worth a look and is awarded four Fringe Festival Stars (FFS) from Theatrevibe the site that doesn’t do stars.

George Rennie as Yorick

Production Notes


Written and Performed by George Rennie

Directed by Kate Millar



George Rennie


Director:  Kate Millar


Running Time: One hour

Booking to 25th August 2024 at 11.30am


Pleasance Courtyard


60 Pleasance

Edinburgh EH8 9TJ

0131 556 6550


Reviewed by Malcolm Beckett

at the Baby Grand, Pleasance Courtyard

on 19th August 2024