The Last Act of Sherlock Holmes!

“Elementary my dear Watson.”

Sherlock Holmes

Nigel Miles-Thomas as Sherlock Holmes

Most people will have become aware of Sherlock Holmes over the years, There have been over 130 actors who have played him in films, plays and television series. Most of us will know parts of the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle between 1887 and 1893 as the first set, with later additions in the early 1900s, totalling four novels and 56 short stories.

One of the acknowledged Holmes experts, David Stuart Davies has written a one person show about the literary character, played here by Nigel Miles-Thomas, and directed by award-winning Gareth Armstrong

Miles-Thomas has the advantage of looking like Sherlock, tall, severe, dark haired with an aquiline nose. But he also plays the other main characters:  Dr Watson and arch villain Moriarty, some 14 in all. Holmes has retired to Sussex and reflects on his life.  He may have stopped playing the violin!

The stage is simply set, a tall coat stand with coats and a top hat, a large comfortable chair and a small table with a drink on it. Nigel Miles-Thomas sits in the chair talking to the unseen, until he takes the parts of Dr Watson, Inspector Lestrade, and Moriarty. I found him entirely believable.

This is a reflection of the life of Holmes from his upbringing with his father, the meeting with Watson and, not to be overlooked, his addiction to a 6% solution of cocaine, despite the dire warnings from the Doctor about the dangers to his body.

There is a darker side to Holmes, his father, after his mother had left, beat him regularly. On one occasion, forcing him to drink brandy, resulting in Holmes pushing his father, who falls to his death. This theme of meting out justice returns often in the novels; a particularly violent wife beater is killed by the wife. Holmes makes sure she goes free.

I found the storytelling fascinating, as was the acting.  The audience at the Assembly Rooms, like myself, were well satisfied. Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act gets four Fringe Festival Stars (FFS) from Theatrevibe, the site that doesn’t do stars.

Nigel Miles-Thomas as Sherlock Holmes

Production Notes

Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act

Written by David Stuart Davies

Directed by Gareth Armstrong



Nigel Miles-Thomas


Director: Gareth Armstrong


Running Time: One hour

Booking to 25th August 2024 at 2.25pm


Assembly Rooms

The Drawing Room

54 George Street 

Edinburgh EH2 2LR




Reviewed by Malcolm Beckett

at the Assembly Rooms

on 19th August 2024