REVIEW: The Purists, Kiln Theatre (2024)
Music across Race and Generations "Sexuality. Let's just say that the Romans were a lot less repressed than our society is today in America."Gerry Company. (Photo: Marc Brenner) On the…
Music across Race and Generations "Sexuality. Let's just say that the Romans were a lot less repressed than our society is today in America."Gerry Company. (Photo: Marc Brenner) On the…
I was so impressed with Jasper Talbot’s singing as Mick Jagger and marvelled at his body moves getting Mick Jagger’s slight stance and energetic contortions with perfection.
Exhilarating Olympic Themed Theatre "He who honours God, will himself be honoured. "Note handed to Liddell before the race by an American competitor Company in Chariots of Fire with Michael Wallace…