REVIEW: Your Lie in April, Pinter (2024)
Romantic Manga Musical "Every sound is beautiful to me "Kaori Miyazono Mia Kobayashi as Kaori and Zheng Xi Yong as Kosei (Photo: Craig Sugden) Your Lie in April is a…
Romantic Manga Musical "Every sound is beautiful to me "Kaori Miyazono Mia Kobayashi as Kaori and Zheng Xi Yong as Kosei (Photo: Craig Sugden) Your Lie in April is a…
It is Joe Penhall’s whip smart dialogue which makes The Constituent worth seeing. Plus of course, James Corden’s tip top delivery where he hardly lets Monica reply, such is his stream of explanation of his actions. Anna Maxwell Martin is the perfect foil with her considered replies when we get a chance to hear them.
Overblown production with great meaning but little heart “I don’t need a life that’s normal,That’s way too far away.But something next to normal,Would be okay”Natalie singing to her mother, Diana…