Read more about the article REVIEW: London Tide, Lyttelton (2024)
Ami Tredrea as Lizzie Hexam and Bella Maclean as Bella Wilfer (Photo: Marc Brenner)

REVIEW: London Tide, Lyttelton (2024)

Authentic Adaptation of Victorian London “There’s not enough gin in London.” Eugene Wrayman“She represents every lost soul in London.” Eugene Wrayman“London’s full of anger.” Eugene Wrayman  Ami Tredrea as Lizzie…

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Dear England, Olivier NT (2023) transfers to the Prince Edward 9th October 2023.  Now BBC series planned.
Will Close as the Young Gareth Southgate in 1996. (Photo: Marc Brenner)

REVIEW: Dear England, Olivier NT (2023) transfers to the Prince Edward 9th October 2023. Now BBC series planned.

Dream Team... Graham, Goold and Gareth Southgate! "Against Columbia, you did something for this country, no others have ever done! "Dr Pippa Grange"You made us respond with moments of laughter…

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Dear England, Olivier NT (2023) transfers to the Prince Edward 9th October 2023. Now BBC series planned.
Read more about the article REVIEW: The Wife of Willesden, Kiln Theatre (2021)
Clare Perkins as Alvita (Photo: Marc Brenner)

REVIEW: The Wife of Willesden, Kiln Theatre (2021)

Yet large chunks of her Control Your Man toolkit are given to Alvita to voice without apparent irony or comment. Marry for money, Treat them mean, Deceive them, Shame them, Make them work hard at sex, (which for her appears to be exclusively heteronormative).  Above all, Take control. She nearly loses control over the Fifth husband, but finally breaks him and takes it back.

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