REVIEW: The Glass Menagerie, Apollo Theatre (2007) from our archive

Jessica Lange isn't afraid to give an unsympathetic portrayal of Amanda as she badgers her daughter when her disappointment has risen to the surface. She looks ghastly in her Victorian muslin ball gown, the dress falling apart with age. Don't we hate the way she swishes the full skirt in front of the Gentleman Caller to give a glimpse of her legs in a manner intended as flirtatious, but which is actually stomach churning.  

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Leopoldstadt, Wyndhams Theatre returns 7th August for 12 weeks
"Seder" The cast of Leopoldstadt - Photo: by Marc Brenner

REVIEW: Leopoldstadt, Wyndhams Theatre returns 7th August for 12 weeks

Tom Stoppard's plays are brilliant, peopled full of characters that stay with you. Leopoldstadt may be his last play as he has suggested, but I think it is his most personal.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Leopoldstadt, Wyndhams Theatre returns 7th August for 12 weeks