Read more about the article REVIEW: Waiting For Godot, Haymarket (2024)
Ben Whishaw as Vladimir, Tom Eddie as Lucky and Lucian Msamati as Estragon (Photo: Marc Brenner)

REVIEW: Waiting For Godot, Haymarket (2024)

Worth the Wait for Whishaw “Nothing Happens.  No-one comes. No-one goes. It’s awful!”Estragon  Ben Whishaw as Vladimir and Lucian Msamati as Estragon. (Photo: Marc Brenner) James Macdonald has injected a…

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Read more about the article REVIEW: The Lightest Element,  Hampstead Theatre (2024)
Annie Kingsworth as as Sally Kane, Rina Mahoney as Rona Stewart and Maureen Beattie as Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin. (Photo: Mark Douet)

REVIEW: The Lightest Element, Hampstead Theatre (2024)

Woman Astronomer breaks the Glass Ceiling "The thing is, Rona, no matter how talented we are or how hard we work, we are subject to the vagaries if chance. "Cecilia…

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