Read more about the article REVIEW:  The Glow, Royal Court (2022)
Ria Zimitrowicz as The Woman and Rakie Ayola as Mrs Lyall (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

REVIEW: The Glow, Royal Court (2022)

In Alistair McDowell's new play, The Glow  a mysterious woman (Ria Zmitrowicz) finds herself in different scenarios from Life with the Cavemen to the present day.  We first meet her incarcerated in an asylum like Bedlam where Mrs Lyall (Rakie Ayola) a well known spiritualist will rescue her and train her as an assistant in her sessions as a medium. 

Continue ReadingREVIEW: The Glow, Royal Court (2022)
Read more about the article REVIEW: Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner, Royal Court (2021)
Tia Bannon as Kara and Leanne Henlon as Chloe (Photo: Myah Jeffers)

REVIEW: Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner, Royal Court (2021)

What I can suggest that if you are not au fait with Twitter slang is to get yourself a copy of the text and a dictionary of slang, online is probably more up to date that the hard back versions, before you see the play.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner, Royal Court (2021)