An Oklahoma! that doesn’t spare the American dream

“Take a classic, keep the text and the songs, but find a more complex and probing musical which shows us part of American history, while throwing light on, and asking questions about, the contemporary issues that face us all.”

Programme note by Paul Ibell.

Anoushka Lucas as Lauren Williams and Arthur Darvill as Curly McLain. (Photo: Marc Brenner)

Everyone remembers Oklahoma!  A jolly, bouncy musical with a hint of darkness, first performed in New York in 1943, making landfall here in 1947, filmed in 1955, with some of the most memorable songs in American musicals: “Oh What a Beautiful Morning”, “Surrey with the Fringe on Top”, “People Will Say we’re in Love”, “The Farmer and the Cowman”.

In the new revival now at Wyndham’s Theatre, the hint of darkness becomes a roar, and it is allowed, even encouraged, to overwhelm the jollity. Right from the start, when a surly cast sit about watching Curly (Arthur Darvill) sing “Oh What Beautiful Morning” as though the morning were anything but beautiful, it is clear that director Daniel Fish, for all his kind programme notes about the show’s original creators, is in no mood to compromise with them. 

Georgina Onuorah as Ado Annie and James Patrick Davis as Will Parker (Photo: Marc Brenner)

When Curly and Laurey (Anoushka Lucas) sing “People Will Say We’re in Love”, people are much more likely to say they’re in lust. Here is not the conventional Hollywood lovers, full of ethereal devotion, but urgent sexual demands on full display. There are no prim advances, no shy smiles.  Early in the show, Ado Annie (Georgina Onuorah) comes down to the front row of the auditorium to smooch with a male member of the audience.

When it’s not sexy, it’s often edgy.  The song “Poor Jud is Daid”, in which Curly tries to get the hired hand, Jud (Patrick Vaill), to imagine all the wonderful things people would say about him if he killed himself, is sung in total darkness, with the faces of the two men shown in a huge back projection. 

Patrick Vaill as Jud Fry, Arthur Darvill as Curly McLain and James Patrick Davis as Will Parker (Photo: Marc Brenner)

Jud is presented much more sympathetically than usual, which is good, because it makes the point that Jud really is an outsider, and that is how outsiders are treated.  He is no more the real villain of this piece than Shylock is the villain of The Merchant of Venice.

Does it work? Yes, mostly. Don’t expect the pleasant and relatively undemanding evening you might have watching a rerun of the film on television.  But do expect a creditable attempt to show what life might have been like in rural America in the nineteenth century, with all its prejudice and beastliness. Do expect a series of charming, tuneful and characterful performances, from all the cast.  I particularly enjoyed Stavros Demetraki’s Ali Hakim, with his ultimately unsuccessful attempts to evade matrimony, and the matriarch Aunt Ella (Liza Sadovy) .

And it helps that the songs, if not sung quite as we expect, are always sung beautifully. Whatever else they do, this cast is not going to murder your favourite song.  

Arthur Darvill as Curly McLain and Anoushka Lucas as Lauren Williams (Photo: Marc Brenner)

The one thing that really doesn’t work is the dream sequence at the start of Act Two. A young woman comes on wearing a white slip with the words DREAM BABY DREAM in big black capitals, and proceeds to dance, very well, to screechy electronic music, while the director has smoke blown in his audience’s face and orange lights shone directly into their eyes, while riding boots cascade from the ceiling.  

I have now read the programme, so I know it’s meant to symbolize the choices Laurie has to make. I had no idea. I did not even realise that the dancer was supposed to be Laurie. Marie-Astrid Mence is a very good dancer, but looks nothing like Ms Lucas.

But the momentum quickly picks up again with a splendid, rollicking rendering of “The Farmer and the Cowman” which is as close to how we remember it as anything in this production, before galloping towards a heart-wrenching conclusion.

For the review of this production of Oklahoma! at the Young Vic in 2022 go here.
Patrick Vaill as Jud Fry (Photo: Marc Brenner)

Original Musical Numbers

Act One


 Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’

Laurey’s Entrance

 The Surrey with the Fringe on Top

 Kansas City

 I Cain’t Say No  

 I Cain’t Say No  and  Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’

 Many a New Day  

 It’s a Scandal! It’s a Outrage!  

 People Will Say We’re in Love

 Pore Jud Is Daid

 Lonely Room

Act Two


Dream Ballet

 The Farmer and the Cowman

 All Er Nuthin’  

 People Will Say We’re in Love  (Reprise)


Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’  

and  People Will Say We’re in Love

Production Notes


Music by Richard Rodgers

Book and Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II

Based on the book “Green Grow the Lilacs” by Lynne Riggs

Original Choreography by Agnes de Mille

Directed by Daniel Fish and Jordan Fien



Georgina Onuorah

Stavros Demetraki

Greg Hicks

Lisa Sadovy

Phillip Olagoke

Arthur Darvill

Rebekah Hinds

Patrick Vaill

Anoushka Lucas

Raphael Bushay

James Davis

Marie-Astrid Mence


Directors : Daniel Fish and Jordan Fien

Choreographer: John Heginbotham

Co-Set Designer: Laura Jellinek and Grace Laubacher

Musical Director: Tom Brady

Lighting Designer:  Scott Zielinski

Costume Designer:  Teresa Wadden

Sound Designer: Drew Levy

Projection Design: Joshua Therson



and Co-Musical

Supervisor: Daniel Kluger


Supervisor, Vocal Arrangements:

Nathan Koci


Running Time: Three hours including an interval

Booking until 2nd September 2023



Wyndhams Theatre

Charing Cross Road

London WC2H 0DA

Telehone: 0844 482 5151

Tube: Leicester Square

Telephone: 0344 871 7628


Reviewed by Francis Beckett

on 25th February 2023