Read more about the article REVIEW: Blood, Gold and Oil, Upstairs at the Gatehouse (2023)
Douglas Clarke Wood as TE Lawrence, Suzanna Hamilton as Dr Caroline Howard. (Photo: Upstairs at the Gatehouse)

REVIEW: Blood, Gold and Oil, Upstairs at the Gatehouse (2023)

Adulation and Flagellation - TE Lawrence "How do you give away countries?"  TE Lawrence Douglas Clarke Wood as TE Lawrence, Suzanna Hamilton as Dr Caroline Howard. (Photo: Upstairs at the Gatehouse)…

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Betty Blue Eyes, Union Theatre (2023)
Sam Kipling as Gilbert Chilvers, Josh Perry as Henry Allardyce and Georgia Boothman accompanying Betty. (Photo: Michaela Walshe)

REVIEW: Betty Blue Eyes, Union Theatre (2023)

Gilbert conducts his businees on a bicycle delivering foot massages and other unspeakably disgusting forms of foot care, like corn trimming, verruca excising and toe fungus treatment.

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Read more about the article REVIEW: The Critic, The Calder Bookshop and Theatre (2022)
Gemma Pantaleo as Alex and Gary Heron as Hugh (Photo: Robert Piwko)

REVIEW: The Critic, The Calder Bookshop and Theatre (2022)

The play opens with Hugh (Gary Heron) phoning a friend, well a colleague or a rival critic, with some jubilant news as to his selection for a safe Tory seat, but first he has to clear the skeletons out of his closet.  He phones Monique his girlfriend and masseuse to arrange a celebration breaking into rather poor French. We are in Hugh’s luxury flat, the walls dripping with expensive and original art and we have just met this self centred, self absorbed divorcé.  On the table are copies of his latest book, Alternative Therapy drawing attention to his appearances on BBC’s Question Time. 

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