Read more about the article REVIEW: Potted Panto, The Garrick (2020)
Potted Panto Garrick Theatre CREDIT Geraint Lewis

REVIEW: Potted Panto, The Garrick (2020)

Long, lanky Dan (Daniel Clarkson) and controlling Jefferson (Jeff Turner) explain the concept and argue about the details. We start with Jack and the Beanstalk with Dan's interpretation of a title character being an ornate, lengthy green tube of a sprouting beanstalk. As an audience member you may well be several steps ahead of the actors on the punchline but hey, it feels good to be proved right!

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Cinderella the Socially Distanced Ball, Turbine Theatre, Battersea
Scottt Paige as Fanny and Oscar Conlon-Morrey as Vayjayjay (Photo Mark Senior)

REVIEW: Cinderella the Socially Distanced Ball, Turbine Theatre, Battersea

We soon meet Buttons (Rufus Hound) in sparkling, improvising, stand up form who has us all laughing with brilliant and original innuendo and improvisation. So charming is Rufus Hound that he has schooled the whole audience to shout "Fuck the Tories!" on his every entrance.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Cinderella the Socially Distanced Ball, Turbine Theatre, Battersea