Read more about the article REVIEW: and breathe . . .  Almeida Theatre (2021)
David Jonsson as Junior (Photo: Marc Brenner)

REVIEW: and breathe . . . Almeida Theatre (2021)

David Jonsson has wonderfully expressive hands, his long fingers often outstretched to communicate. His enthusiasm when describing the dishes of food animatedly or his reflecting on his unexpected first journey in a limousine charm. There is humour too, he says, "I have a feeling she may die on my birthday," and gives us a wry look.

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Albion, Almeida (2017)
Victoria Hamilton as Audrey Walters - Photo: Marc Brenner

REVIEW: Albion, Almeida (2017)

Albion is a slower burn than some of Bartlett's other plays. It is about Englishness and gardens and nostalgia and in that sense a desire, which may or may not be possible, to relive the past. The metaphors will be debated as the themes are many and complex.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Albion, Almeida (2017)