Read more about the article REVIEW: Cock, Royal Court (2009)
Andrew Scott as M and Ben Whishaw as John - Photo: Stephen Cummiskey

REVIEW: Cock, Royal Court (2009)

Ben Whishaw plays John, the ultimate ambivalent man who mostly lives happily in a homosexual relationship with M (Andrew Scott) until he accidentally meets and has sex with a woman, W (Katherine Parkinson). From then on John vacillates between staying with the man and leaving to be with the woman.

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Hamlet, Old Vic (2004)
Ben Whishaw as Hamlet and Imogen Stubbs as Gertrude (Photo: Alistair Muir)

REVIEW: Hamlet, Old Vic (2004)

This is Sir Trevor Nunn's first Hamlet in thirty years and the publicity machine leapt into action to emphasis the youth of his cast, actors who are, or have just been students, playing Hamlet and his contemporaries, also students. It is of course a tremendous risk to take with Shakespeare's greatest tragedy to entrust the huge and demanding role of the Prince of Denmark to Ben Whishaw who is only 23 and barely out of RADA.

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