Read more about the article REVIEW: Habeas Corpus, Menier Chocolate Factory (2021)
Dan Starkey as Sir Percy Shorter and Kirsty Besterman as Constance Wicksteed (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

REVIEW: Habeas Corpus, Menier Chocolate Factory (2021)

Set in the genteel town, next to Brighton, of Hove, we meet jaded GP Dr Arthur Wicksteed (the delightful Jasper Britton) aged 53.  His wife  Muriel (Catherine Russell) longs for the romance she had, before marrying Wicksteed.  The beau (and I use the word loosely here) she rejected is Sir Percy Shorter (Dan Starkey), the five feet nothing president of the BMA. 

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Habeas Corpus, Menier Chocolate Factory (2021)
Read more about the article REVIEW: Witness for the Prosecution at County Hall continues from 14th September 2021
New cast (Photo: Ellie Kurttz)

REVIEW: Witness for the Prosecution at County Hall continues from 14th September 2021

Agatha Christie's novel is dramatized in the magnificent setting of a 1920s Edwardian Baroque council chamber with exciting director Lucy Bailey in charge. . . . "I am constantly surprised…

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Witness for the Prosecution at County Hall continues from 14th September 2021