REVIEW: The Witches, Olivier (2023)
Thrills and Spills - The Witches at the Olivier "It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like so long as somebody loves you. But this is not…
Thrills and Spills - The Witches at the Olivier "It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like so long as somebody loves you. But this is not…
The Inheritance of Genius "We were the IVF Mafia” Prof Richard Myers PEnsemble in The Fever Syndrome (Photo: Ellie Kurttz) Alexis Zegerman's latest play looks at the family of an…
The situation for Nick Bright (Daniel Lapaine) is pretty desperate. He is a banker who when riding in his boss’s car was kidnapped by an Islamist extremist group. He is being held as a prisoner manacled in a breeze block cell and 10 million dollars is demanded as his ransom. We hear about the beheading fate of a Western journalist and the graphic video they released.