Read more about the article REVIEW: Robin Hood. The Legend. Re-written. Regent’s Park Open Air (2023)
Ira Mandela Siobhan as Guy of Gisburne (Photo: Pamela Raith)

REVIEW: Robin Hood. The Legend. Re-written. Regent’s Park Open Air (2023)

Robin Hood destroyed by Melly Smith and Carl Rose "Anything is better than a king with a mind of his own”Baldwyn Paul Hunter as the King and Alex Mugaioni as…

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REVIEW: The Gretchen Question, Master Shipwright’s House, Deptford (2022)

Something old, something new, something borrowed, some thing... blue? "I can barely contain myself..."A heavily pregnant Gretchen. The Gretchen Question is a performance piece devised by Fuel Theatre that addresses…

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Read more about the article REVIEW: The Seven Pomegranate Seeds <br>Rose Theatre, Kingston (2021)
Niamh Cusack (Photo: The Other Richard)

REVIEW: The Seven Pomegranate Seeds
Rose Theatre, Kingston (2021)

Colin Teevan's  The Seven Pomegranate Seeds  was first produced at the Oxford Playhouse in 2006.  After a radio production at the beginning  of lockdown in January 2020, Colin Teevan has amended his seven monologues, each based on a Greek woman in a play mostly by Euripides. 

Continue ReadingREVIEW: The Seven Pomegranate Seeds
Rose Theatre, Kingston (2021)