REVIEW: Prima Facie, Harold Pinter Theatre (2022)
Jodie Comer raises the bar "We barristers just tell the best version of a client's story. "Tessa Jodie Comer as Tessa Ensler (Photo: Helen Murray) This 100 minute show is…
Jodie Comer raises the bar "We barristers just tell the best version of a client's story. "Tessa Jodie Comer as Tessa Ensler (Photo: Helen Murray) This 100 minute show is…
To Kill a Mocking Bird to die for! "A conscience can be exhausting. It can keep you up at night."Atticus Finch The Company of To Kill a Mockingbird (Photo: Marc…
Even without Andy getting up to his paradoxical tricks, quarter-hours have not latterly had a good press, vis "un mauvais quart d'heure". Lasting 17 minutes straight through, What If If Only - the latest piece by Caryl Churchill, is the polar opposite of "un mauvais quart d'heure". It packs a wealth of suggestion in its brief allotted span. And the wonder of it is that it does so with an elating lightness of touch.