Read more about the article REVIEW: Twelfth Night, Orange Tree (2024)
Dorothea Myer-Bennett as Olivia, Patricia Allison as Viola/Caesario, Stefan Bednarczyk as Feste (Photo: Ellie Kurttz)

REVIEW: Twelfth Night, Orange Tree (2024)

Enchanting Twelfth Night! "Make me a willow cabin at your gate And call upon my soul within the house, Write loyal cantons of contemnèd love And sing them loud even in the dead of night," Viola as Cesario Dorothea Myer-Bennett as Olivia, Patricia Allison as Viola/Caesario, Stefan Bednarczyk as Feste (Photo: Ellie Kurttz) I don’t find it necessary for there to be…

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REVIEW: A Splinter of Ice, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Guildford and tour (2021)

Philby and Greene were colleagues, although like Le Carré, Greene's M16 career was halted as his name was given to the Soviets by Philby.  However as Brown's play tells, Greene had a certain amount of sympathy for Philby's devotion to Communism. 

Continue ReadingREVIEW: A Splinter of Ice, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Guildford and tour (2021)