Read more about the article NEWS: Rafe Spall to play Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mocking Bird, Gielgud Theatre, March 2022
Rafe Spall

NEWS: Rafe Spall to play Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mocking Bird, Gielgud Theatre, March 2022

To Kill A Mocking Bird directed by Bartlett Sher and adapted by Aaron Sorkin arrives in London This was the most successful play on Broadway!  RAFE SPALL TO PLAY ATTICUS…

Continue ReadingNEWS: Rafe Spall to play Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mocking Bird, Gielgud Theatre, March 2022
Read more about the article REVIEW: Constellations reviewed in 2012 opening at the Vaudeville June 2021
Rafe Spall as Roland (Photo: Simon Annand)

REVIEW: Constellations reviewed in 2012 opening at the Vaudeville June 2021

Nick Payne’s latest play for The Royal Court is a two hander on the possibilities of alternative actions and parallel existences. With references to string theory, quantum mechanics and relativity about which your reviewer makes no pretence as to having any comprehension, I was reminded of Charlotte Jones’ play Humble Boy.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Constellations reviewed in 2012 opening at the Vaudeville June 2021