REVIEW: The Great British Bake Off Musical, Noël Coward (2023)
The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating! "Imagine we are in PareeThe home of fine patisserieSipping our Sancerre beside the SeineOur bellies full of cheese and wine!" Ben John…
The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating! "Imagine we are in PareeThe home of fine patisserieSipping our Sancerre beside the SeineOur bellies full of cheese and wine!" Ben John…
We soon meet Buttons (Rufus Hound) in sparkling, improvising, stand up form who has us all laughing with brilliant and original innuendo and improvisation. So charming is Rufus Hound that he has schooled the whole audience to shout "Fuck the Tories!" on his every entrance.