Read more about the article REVIEW: The Two Character Play, Hampstead Theatre (2021)
Kate O'Flynn as Clare and Zubin Varla as Felice (Photo: Marc Brenner)

REVIEW: The Two Character Play, Hampstead Theatre (2021)

Tennessee Williams described this play as, "My most beautiful play since Streetcar, the very heart of my life."  That quote has since been criticised as raising expectations of the more modern play which was special to Tennessee Williams because it is about his sister Rose, but likening it to one of the greatest plays of the twentieth century. 

Continue ReadingREVIEW: The Two Character Play, Hampstead Theatre (2021)
Read more about the article REVIEW: Heathers the Musical, Theatre Royal Haymarket (2021). Now @sohoplace until 6th July 2024
Bobbie Little as Heather Duke, Jodie Steele as Heather Chandler and Frances Mayli McCann as Heather McNamara

REVIEW: Heathers the Musical, Theatre Royal Haymarket (2021). Now @sohoplace until 6th July 2024

Heathers the Musical, a black comedy set in an American High School "I've been through ten high schoolsThey start to get blurryNo point in planting your roots'Cause you're gone in…

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Heathers the Musical, Theatre Royal Haymarket (2021). Now @sohoplace until 6th July 2024