Read more about the article REVIEW: The Brothers Size, Young Vic (2008)
Tunji Kasim as Ochoosi - Photo: Donald Cooper

REVIEW: The Brothers Size, Young Vic (2008)

The Brothers Size is a magical play that will stay with you long after seeing it performed. This mythical quality comes not only from Tarell Alvin McCraney's lyrical writing but from the magnificent haunting production given to us by director Bijan Sheibani. I had paid to see The Brothers Size at the Young Vic last year, too late to review in the dying days of the run, and was blown away by the actors Nathaniel Martello-White and Nyasha Hatendi. From the moment when white chalk and string is used to delineate the perfect circle playing area and some red chalk is crumbled onto the black floor as a powder to be smudged like drawings of bursting fire works, I was enthralled by the rhythm of the words and the grace of the movement.

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Gone Too Far, Royal Court (2008)
Ashley Chin as Razer and Zawe Ashton as Armani - Photo: Marc Brenner

REVIEW: Gone Too Far, Royal Court (2008)

Gone Too Far! has an almost picaresque scenario and a deceptively simple plot. Two brothers, one brought up in Nigeria and one on a London council estate, go on a mission to buy a pint of milk. As they cross the estate, they encounter other teenagers, a protective Bangladeshi shopkeeper and an elderly woman terrified of the brothers.

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