Read more about the article REVIEW: Feeling Afraid As If Something Terrible Is Going to Happen, Bush Theatre (2023)
Samuel Barnett as The Comedian. (Photo: The Other Richard)

REVIEW: Feeling Afraid As If Something Terrible Is Going to Happen, Bush Theatre (2023)

Comedy on the Surface, Insecurity Underneath " I'm a comedian, although I prefer the title "sad for pay" or "professional neurotic". . . " The Comedian Samuel Barnett as The Comedian.…

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Red Pitch, The Bush Theatre (2023) NOW @sohoplace (2024)
Red Pitch Cast (Photo: Helen Murray)

REVIEW: Red Pitch, The Bush Theatre (2023) NOW @sohoplace (2024)

Bush Champions : Red Pitch "We're not rich man;  just doing alright." Joey Emeka Sesay as Joey, Kedar Williams-Stierling as Bilal and Francis Lovehall as Omz. (Photo: Helen Murray) Tyrell…

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Red Pitch, The Bush Theatre (2023) NOW @sohoplace (2024)