REVIEW: A Number, Royal Court (2002)

FROM 2002 The Royal Court assembled their dream team: the acting prowess of Sir Michael Gambon and Daniel Craig, who plays Paul Newman's son in The Road to Perdition, the director Stephen Daldry and the writer Caryl Churchill. Director and author are repeating the partnership forged in Far Away.

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REVIEW: My Night With Reg, Turbine Theatre (2021)
Extended to 11th September With Gala Charity Night on 18th August
In aid of Terence Higgins Trust

Kevin Elyot was commissioned to write a new play for Hampstead which was My Night With Reg which was turned down, presumably by, the then, Artistic Director at Hampstead, Jenny Topper. Not something you want to put on your cv! Stephen Daldry had just taken over as Artistic Director at the Royal Court and he snapped up My Night With Reg, asked Roger Michell to direct and cast David Bamber as Guy, Anthony Calf as John, the ebullient John Sessions as Daniel, and Joe Duttine as Eric.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: My Night With Reg, Turbine Theatre (2021)
Extended to 11th September With Gala Charity Night on 18th August
In aid of Terence Higgins Trust
Read more about the article REVIEW: Heathers the Musical, Theatre Royal Haymarket (2021). Now @sohoplace until 6th July 2024
Bobbie Little as Heather Duke, Jodie Steele as Heather Chandler and Frances Mayli McCann as Heather McNamara

REVIEW: Heathers the Musical, Theatre Royal Haymarket (2021). Now @sohoplace until 6th July 2024

Heathers the Musical, a black comedy set in an American High School "I've been through ten high schoolsThey start to get blurryNo point in planting your roots'Cause you're gone in…

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Heathers the Musical, Theatre Royal Haymarket (2021). Now @sohoplace until 6th July 2024