Read more about the article REVIEW: The Good Person of Szechwan, Lyric Hammersmith (2023)
Ami Tredrea as Shen Te and Jon Chew as Lin To (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

REVIEW: The Good Person of Szechwan, Lyric Hammersmith (2023)

But the same theatricality also allows some of the play’s most telling lines to come across with great force. “I know money doesn’t make you happy, but the lack of it can ruin your health.”

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Accidental Death of an Anarchist, Lyric Hammersmith (2023)
Daniel Rigby as The Maniac. (Photo: Helen Murray)

REVIEW: Accidental Death of an Anarchist, Lyric Hammersmith (2023)

Does Dario Fo’s holy anger transfer to London in 2023? “Theatre which reflects the real political situation prevailing today, by depicting the injustice and oppression of society, and by exposing…

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REVIEW: Iphigenia in Splott, Lyric Hammersmith (2022)

The difference in Gary Owen’s Iphigenia in Splott is that Effie gets slaughtered by her own hand.  Her life is binge drinking, sex, and stealing from her gran to fund this.  She enjoys people looking away when they see her on the street.  Splott is a run down part of the Welsh capital Cardiff.

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