Read more about the article REVIEW: Cinderella the Socially Distanced Ball, Turbine Theatre, Battersea
Scottt Paige as Fanny and Oscar Conlon-Morrey as Vayjayjay (Photo Mark Senior)

REVIEW: Cinderella the Socially Distanced Ball, Turbine Theatre, Battersea

We soon meet Buttons (Rufus Hound) in sparkling, improvising, stand up form who has us all laughing with brilliant and original innuendo and improvisation. So charming is Rufus Hound that he has schooled the whole audience to shout "Fuck the Tories!" on his every entrance.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Cinderella the Socially Distanced Ball, Turbine Theatre, Battersea
Read more about the article REVIEW: High Fidelity, The Turbine Theatre (2019)
Oliver Ormson as Rob (centre) and company of High Fidelity - Photo: Mark Senior

REVIEW: High Fidelity, The Turbine Theatre (2019)

I'd happily go to see High Fidelity again. Oliver Ormson can act as well as sing and Shanay Holmes's clear voice is a dream for Laura's sweet nature. Robert Tripolino's Maharishi influenced character is the one we love to hate. The songs are tuneful, poppy and witty and the whole show colourful and well choreographed by the director Tom Jackson Greaves.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: High Fidelity, The Turbine Theatre (2019)