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Anthony Welsh as Troy and Daniel Kaluuya as Leon - Photo: Chris Nash

REVIEW: Sucker Punch, Royal Court (2010)

Roy Williams' plays can be enjoyed at many levels and so it is with his latest and original offering at the Royal Court, Sucker Punch which follows a group of young boxers in a club in a run down area of London in the 1980s. Besides the sports story which culminates in a boxing match being excitingly staged in a real ring, there are observations about race and friendship and about racism and sport.

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REVIEW: Enron, Royal Court (2009)

Enron is about the creative accounting adopted by the Texan energy giant to disguise their losses and debts that gives creativity a bad name. The bubble burst and down tumbled two giants, Enron and accountants Arthur Andersen, as well as many Enron employees who lost not only their jobs but all their capital after using it to purchase the company's shares.So how do we turn the tedium of financial balance sheets and stock market registers into living theatre? With innovative skill, that's how!

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