Read more about the article REVIEW: Bach & Sons, The Bridge Theatre (2021)
Simon Russell Beale as Johann Sebastian Bach (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

REVIEW: Bach & Sons, The Bridge Theatre (2021)

We hear about the precarious life of a musician dependent on patronage and the whims of the German nobility.  We hear Bach's acerbic wit and cut to his conducting a choir where we realise he is not just a perfectionist, he has low levels of tolerance.  We see he has a bad temper and is stubborn, so will fall out with those he depends on financially and get into petty quarrels.  We also appreciate the humour of Bach's witty lines and put downs.

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Read more about the article REVIEW: Julius Caesar, Bridge Theatre (2018) and screening on NT at home
David Calder as Caesar - Photo: Manuel Harlan

REVIEW: Julius Caesar, Bridge Theatre (2018) and screening on NT at home

For the two hours without interval, the groundlings will stand as the crowd being swayed by the political speeches of Brutus (Ben Whishaw) and Mark Antony (David Morrissey) or as the inhabitants of the battle scenes at Philippi.

Continue ReadingREVIEW: Julius Caesar, Bridge Theatre (2018) and screening on NT at home